Referee Info



Referee Registration: Click Here






Referee Cards, Game Sheets and Rules

NEW Referee Cards (PDF)

Referee and Coaches Game Sheets (PDF)

Referee and Coaches Game Sheets (Microsoft Word Document)

Outdoor Rules

Indoor Rules


Referee Forms

PA Caution Report

PA Dismissal Report

Referee Refill 


AGM Referee Report: Click Here


Referee Policies

Lightning Policy

Cast Policy


Codes of Conduct

Click Here


Referee Code of Ethics

Click Here


 Referee Development

Click here to read the Referee Best Practices Memo

The Best Practices for Referee Development guide is now available. It contains a number of recommendations that the SSA will be undertaking right away and a number of longer term recommendations which will take time to put in place. 

Also, being released is the SSA Referee Pathway to Success which outlines the various options available to a referee to start and continue their officiating career.





Upcoming Events

Jul. 02, 2024 to Aug. 18, 2024

Office Closed
PAYSA Office Closed July 2 to August 18

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